Friday, February 5, 2010

Last Day of the Semester

So, their grades are in and they surprised me. Many Ds and Fs are now Bs and Cs. Only the very few are still failing. They actually (for the most part) did the make-up assignments and turned them in. That shows me they can take responsibility.

Now, grades are due today (I have turned mine in) and they had an assignment due yesterday. It was a bit of mad dash at the end and I planned accordingly. They earned a film during their Periodic Assessment, but I still wanted the film to be meaningful. I thought and thought and then went to the cupboard. Ah Ha! Freedom Writers. But still I wasn't quite sure how it would turn out.

It has turned out fine. They are enthralled and connected and quiet. In fact there is a group from my morning classes in my room right now to watch the conclusion at lunch. It feels good to watch them at their best and it gives me the feeling of hope I need to start anew on Monday.

And Monday will be an awesome day. We start the process of experiencing Romeo & Juliet and Shakespeare. I have already caught them in my spell by telling them they will be creating Shakespearean Insults. they also know they get to insult one another using their creations. They know it is about gangs, sword fights, drugs, love and death. They are excited. I AM EXCITED.

Maybe I should set up movie time in my classroom at lunch for them. It is so important to experience them when you are not expecting anything from them. Then they are lovely and funny and loving. The attitudes fade away.

It is turning out to be a very good last day of the semester. I am sure I will sleep deep tonight. Tomorrow I will be in my classroom cleaning and setting up for a whole new beginning. It is as if Spring has come early.

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