Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Forgive me. It has been a few days

The life of a 7th grader is not unlike the life of a 2nd year teacher. Last year they were both the babies of the school and were tolerated and at times praised and often misunderstood. In the new year they are older, understand how things work and sometimes feel a bit too comfortable. Trouble may ensue.

Have I grabbed your attention? My students have certainly grabbed mine. It has been 6 days with students and it has been awesome, illuminating, aggravating and overall not a bad job to have. The students are doing well except for some blatant shoe uniform defiance. They are working hard and starting to understand the process of planners, classwork and homework. One student called my name and I replied "yes?" He replied, "you are nice Ms. Ancrile." I thanked him. It was a very lovely moment.

7th grade is also kind of odd. In most of my classes, the boys sit on one side and the girls on the other. Of course, that is about to change because they all talk far too much in that configuration. I had to keep the boy side of my 6th period after school today. They just couldn't keep it together all period. It really was a clear reminder of how boys and girls develop socially. Tomorrow they will have a new seating chart and it may or may not solve the problem for a while. 

This week has been full of Professional Development. 2 hours on Monday for a program called "Capturing Kids Hearts" where we were reminded/told to shake hands with each student and say hello as they enter the door. I have a hand thing, but I tried it. I think I might be converted as long as my hand sanitizer supply holds out. We also were given instructions on doing "Good Things" with them each day. Students and teachers share good things (small and large) and the class claps (one claps, we all clap is the motto). Sort of fun, and it is going okay. Next week I tackle social contracts and non verbal cues (timeout, fouls and shaking thumbs up). I am always willing to try anything for my students betterment and this is something they are trying to do school wide, which makes it less weird to do with students. Okay so that was the good PD

On Tuesday we met in PLC (professional learning communities) formerly know as Departments. The English dept. as usual is wacky. They always are, which is why I fit in pretty well. But seriously, why haven't the 7th grade English teachers looked at the standards yet? I mean come on people, get with the program. We have some work to do on pacing plans and curriculum and it is due in two weeks!! I know what my light reading will be this weekend!

All in all, I love it. I love teaching. I love the work. Sometimes I feel too tired, but then, I sleep and start all over again. I am even enjoying leaving the house at 6am. On Friday I will be taking the Red Line to the Blue Line to work. This is exciting because Friday afternoon traffic is hideous and I would rather sit on the train for an hour than sit in my car on the parking lots known as the 110, 101 and 170 freeways. 

Peace to you all. What are your Good Things this week?

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