Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thursday So Soon

Today was a good day. I seem to be over-planning each day. This means there is little down time and thus few behavior problems. I should also say I have some incredibly bright students. They are well spoken, witty and have no problem stating their opinions. I gave them homework last night to ready anything for ten minutes. Almost all of them read BOOKS, actual BOOKS. I was amazed. Some of them had such insight. It was truly awesome. 

I should tell you I have some funny kids. One told me the book he chose is Bad and by bad he meant inappropriate. He even brought it with him to show me, but in a very innocent way. I told him maybe he should keep the book at home. So funny. 

I have not forgotten about the honeymoon period that exists with students, but they are polite, don't call me Miss, ask to get out of their seats, line up out side the classroom until I open the door, throw their trash in the receptacle and bring something to write with and on to class. I think I could get used to this. 

Tomorrow is Friday and I am glad. I am tired from the early mornings, but I am also excited for the weekend to bring me time to set lesson plans for the next few weeks. 

In closing: "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."

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