Friday, September 25, 2009

Wow, this week went fast and was such a busy one

I need more sleep. That is the bottom line. To be at my best I need to be asleep by 9:30, which is difficult, but 11:30 is beyond ridiculous. I am working on this issue.

My students have been fascinating, frustrating, freakish and funny. Each period of the day has a different personality and a different work ethic. Some need gentle probing and nudging. Some are completely insane. I spend half my time with those classes working on self management of their behavior. Our school uses a program called "Capture Kids Hearts."  It comes with non verbal cues, social contracts and class buy-in. However, it is difficult to work with in the beginning and some students just don't care if they disrupt the entire class. I am determined I will deal with discipline first and then content and I have stuck to it. I have also created a daily class routine and it works well and keeps me on task as well.

It will be fine. I now know that after the insane first ten weeks last year. It just takes consistency and showing no fear and being tireless. 

I also find myself immersed in the work. Pacing plans, team teaching, cohorts, culminating tasks, and the list goes on and on. We have so many programs going on at the same time it feels like a whirlwind at best and a tornado in the hardest moments. (I love it) Today a group of teachers told me they were referred to me by a couple of administrators to join their group. This group works on cultural significance in the classroom. Of course I said yes. What else could I say. It is me to a tee. They were so nice and what a lovely compliment to be asked. 

My school has so many hurdles to tackle and this is why I wanted to be a teacher. I cried today thinking about it. (In a good way) Creating a culturally relevant curriculum in a college going environment with SLCs and interdisciplinary units and a grade level English cohort! What could possibly be better than this?!

I also want to send a shout out to "Gossip Girl."  When I asked my HR/College Prep class for colleges they are interested in, the list included NYU, Brown, Yale and Harvard!  One of my students just wants to go to a college as far away from Watts as possible. They break my heart and bring me joy in all their little moments. They even looked like they believed me when I told them to dream high and reach high. To not settle. I also got to teach them a vocabulary word -- ENDOWMENT. Anything is possible.

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