Tuesday, September 29, 2009

This entry has nothing to do with my students

My students are coming along and doing well overall. 6th period is the most difficult, but I am not worried. 

Moving on. It is difficult being a teacher. And by that I mean teachers have meetings and deadlines and busy work and important work to do for their schools and their classrooms. Today was that day.  

Regular Tuesday complete with Professional Development from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. Meeting with the English Department was great. So much work to do, but getting through it and learning so much. I was already tired, but when you feel productive, it's worth it. Then the meeting I didn't know about. Last Tuesday of every month we have a meeting from 3:00 to 4:00. I am one of those people who can make it through an extra long day if I have mentally prepared. I wasn't, but I persevered and went to the SLC meeting. I was actually glad to finally meet everyone. We had far too much to do with not near enough time. We were all there until 4:30 p.m. UGH

You see, I get to school between 6:45 and 7:00 a.m. each day. School starts at 8:00. I spend my conference period and lunch time grading and prepping and to day I helped a student with his speech (he is running for 7th grade President). I'm busy all day long and I was tired. After school I needed to run and get toner (I ran out last night) so I can print the assessment I need to give to my students in order to do my RIAP project for Saturday. And this is a short week. Plus, tomorrow night I have a Y event and am planning to stay at my parents to get a bit more sleep after a night out. So, today was not the day to leave work at 4:45 p.m. and drive through lousy traffic and get home (with the stop at Office Depot) at 6:30 p.m.  I still have work to do, but have no brain cells to accomplish anything. So, here I am blogging in the hopes it relieves my stress and gives me energy to move on to typing the minutes of my Department Meeting. 

I'm pretty sure, those will have to wait until tomorrow morning.  So long Tuesday, bring on Wednesday!

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