Friday, October 2, 2009

The Small Moments

The 7th grade team I am a part of is pretty amazing for a bunch of new teachers. That's right, two second years (both coming from high school) and two first years make up our team. Granted we probably don't have the hardest kids on campus, but it is no picnic. Especially during 6th period. All of our 6th period classes seem to be having major trouble with their behavior. We have a plan and we have help from our Magnet Coordinator, so all will be well. This brings me to the small moment that felt like a turning point. 

I don't even remember exactly what was said, but 6th period was going better than usual. They were loud, but they were on task and they seemed to be enjoying the assignment and even came to me to show me their work and ask for help. I allowed them some free range of movement and talking. They were creating visual representations of idioms on a time limit. A few students had to go to the book room (most of them are my bigger behavior issues) and one had gone to the nurse. I took advantage of a few less students and less distraction to get them started. When the others returned they could see everyone was having fun. I assigned one of their classmates to help them get on task and gave the whole class a few extra minutes. Again, it was a bit noisy, but they were being productive. My biggest behavior issue (though he is really smart) did act up a bit, but I had someone observing my class and he took him aside. (Help is a good thing) So, all was well.  Then we had to clean up and move on. 

Transitions are especially difficult for this class, but I was not giving up. I was correcting them as needed and then I told them they could have one last chance to earn back the after-school time they have earned the past two weeks. I counted down. almost, but not quite quiet. I tried again, almost, but not quite. However, not the usual suspects causing the problem, which I pointed out. I tried again and got the giggles. Yep, me. They all giggled back. We all tried again. Nope, giggling. So, I took my lemons and made lemonade, though actually we made rain, or tried to. You know, rubbing hands, snapping, clapping on thighs kind of rain. I had them repeat rhythms of claps and stomps. They did it, together and they were quiet and at times giggling. They left class on a happy note and sound and so did I.

Aahh, the small moments of victory in a classroom. So, I guess there is hope for 6th period.

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