Saturday, October 17, 2009


Today was orientation for BTSA. BTSA is the way you clear your teaching credential in California and in Los Angeles LAUSD is in charge of the program. That's right, the program is annoying in every way. Maybe because it is a bit unorganized. Maybe because in my Masters Program I have already done all the things they ask. Maybe because it is tons of busy work. Maybe because they expect you to work with a support provider 2 hours per week. Maybe because it is so much busy work. I know I already said that.

Last year I was in Local District 1 and the supervisor had no real love for me or my other colleagues at my school for some reason. I know I can be annoying and a know-it-all, but seriously this program makes me mad just thinking about it. And last year I had a lovely support provider, but she was a science teacher and during one observation she told me it was hard to critique because the students were reading and writing in groups. I TEACH ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS. They should be reading and writing. She made me have a new observation where I was showing a film with a modified Cornell Notes worksheet. I stopped the film 12 times in the first 25 minutes to have them take down ideas. This she loved and it was a good lesson and all was fine, but you sort of get the point.

This year I am in Local District 7 and we met during the orientation today and it was completely different from how last year was approached. I am glad I had year one signed off because this District had culminating tasks and we had nothing like that. I don't actually have a support provider for this year yet. At my friend's new school she asked her colleagues about support providers and they told her they didn't have one last year and they all just worked together. I have no idea how this is going to go, but I know I have no love for this program. It is a mess. All of the facilitators are well meaning and the teachers try hard, but I just HATE it and I am glad this is the last year I will have to deal with it. UGH. 

I even came home and started filling out the class roster forms and the classroom layout forms. I attempted to start my K-W-L but I need to print one thing in order to even start it, so, I am done for the night, but on Monday I am going to seminar 1 of 3 for the year. OH DEAR!  Wish me luck for BTSA yr 2

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