Friday, October 16, 2009

Taking the Day Off

I have had a cold for nearly two weeks. At first it did not seem that bad. Then a turn for the worse over the weekend, however, there was just too much to do at work to take a day off. I had standards to cover, a PSAT to administer and grades to enter, plus meetings and the list goes on and on. My other problem is dealing with my classroom after they have a sub for even just one day. I can not just not show up without a plan in my room. Even if the sub doesn't follow the plan, even if the students don't do the assignment, I can't leave it completely up to chance. 

There is also the issue of hiding things like the stapler, the tissue, the good pens, the tape dispenser and in some cases the hall pass. Somehow an unruly class will behave well for the sub and the best behaved classes take it as an opportunity to run around like chickens with their heads cut off. (I've been teaching idioms recently) 

So, I cleaned the room, put the assignment on the board, printed new copies of the seating charts, acquired more referral forms, typed up a detailed note to the sub, made copies of word searches and put them into packets for each period, called subfinder, gave our office administrator my confirmation number and made my way home on Thursday.

And then I was in my car leaving the parking lot and I look up and see the blimp! Oh yes the blimp. And for a moment I am confused. And then I remember. I was going to take the Metro Rail to work on Thursday because the Dodger game starts at 5pm. But, I have been sick and so extra tired when the alarm goes off at 5:15. In order to take the metro rail and get to work by 7:15 I need to leave my house by 6:00 a.m. No way I was going to make that and I think it will be fine. UGH, nearly two hours to get home on a Thursday. 

Here I am on a Friday. I don't really feel too sick, but I did sleep until 7:30 this morning and my voice is pretty week and the idea of leaving the house is not too appealing. I know this day off will work in my favor going forward. I will get the rest I need and my voice will reappear by Monday no problem.

This is the life of an English Teacher. She needs her voice. She needs her rest and on a few occasions she needs a day to regain her health. 

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