Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Today was a Good Day

I dreaded today. Testing is so difficult. Having students sit for an entire period and work is just crazy. However, they did it. I am not sure if it was the incentive of the raffle we will be having for students who do not require a make up day and who take the test seriously and do not disturb the rest of class. The prize is an MP3 player. I like incentives. I am just grateful I had very few issues, even in my crazy 6th period.

Of course, it wasn't all roses without thorns. 3rd Period did not test today because we had an assembly. Assemblies are the only thing worse than testing. The entire 7th grade sitting in the auditorium together listening about bullying, sexual harassment, code of conduct and grades. OH JOY OF MY LIFE. And my class was one of the good ones. It was just ridiculous. The students did not care if the person speaking was a teacher, counselor, AP or security. They just can't sit quietly that long. Wow. The assembly went 10 minutes into the next period because they could not keep quiet. UGH and then hustling to class when we finally dismissed them. IT is late, the bell has rung and yet they just stand out on the grass talking. They have no sense of urgency or doing the right thing. 

It makes me look forward to testing part II tomorrow. Plus, with my well behaved classes I can get caught up on grading and have no work this weekend. YEA!

I can't believe tomorrow is Thursday and that October has just a bit more than a week left. Where does the time go?

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