Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I need to blog more

I find if I actually take the time to blog (aka reflect in teacher speak) I feel a bit better about what is going on. So here goes.

Yesterday. Tuesday. Shortened day = 40 minute periods. Should be a good thing, but I find it harder than a regular day which may have to do with having Professional Development after school for 1 1/2 hours. We actually accomplish things in PD, so I can't complain. Anyway, I digress.

My 6th period is a huge challenge. So, I plan with them in mind. What can I come up with where they do not have to sit still in their seats and be quiet for the whole period and still teach them?  This is the goal each and every day. How can I make it work for all of us.  So, I planned a Narrative Gallery Walk. They had sheets with the different terms on them. On the walls around the room there were examples of all the different terms. They had to getup, walk around and put the correct number next to the term. It was not easy, but I promised prizes to any one who got all 12 correct. I didn't even tell them they couldn't help one another. Period 1, 2, 3 & 5 were into it and had a great time and learned something. 6th period comes in and I get them started after the normal amount of pain in the butt behavior. While I am clarifying for a student I suddenly look up and they have torn half the examples off the wall. SERIOUSLY!  I lose it as much as I can with a voice that is barely a whisper because of my cold. I tell them again about respect and rudeness. I am just so angry. I get over it, but I think I stayed up late planning for them, and they just don't care a bit.

So, today we are giving the PSAT to our students for periods 1 -4. 5th period will be doing word searches, mad libs and cloze activities that are basically fun. 6th period will be copying commonly misspelled words from their textbooks.

Tomorrow will be a new day and a new lesson, but seriously . . .

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